March 28, 2014

dorothy aplin -- eight months

sorry, i couldn't help myself . :)

this girl is such a blessing. 
she is crawling. she is pulling up. she is eating cheerios.
she loves avacados. and playing with anything that her brother is playing with. 
she gives the biggest smiles. 
when i'm holding her & her pops smiles at her, she gets shy & will tuck her head onto my chest. it might be my favorite thing she does. 
she loves her maraca....really anything that rattles. 
i love living life with her. she's the coolest of the cool.

appie girl, we love you so!
hugs and kisses~pops, tootie & mclain

March 12, 2014

mclain turns two: birthday party

mclain loves several things: cars and trucks, playgrounds, windmills, shopping carts, sushi and probably his most favorite of all--daniel tiger.

mclain at two: 
-he loves to 'run fast'
-he knows his colors
-he knows his letters (except for M)
-he calls all T's 'red t' because his foam letters that he plays with during bath time has a red T
-he will name letters for fun
-he counts: 1, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2
-he loves to read books
-he loves to give 'mugga-muggas'
-he plays with his matchbox cars all day
-the only thing he'd rather do is watch 'one more daniel'
-he loves to look at all his friends and family on my phone (i may have stolen some pics from friend's IG accounts, so that he could see his friends whenever he wanted.

thanks to pbs kids for all the fun, free printables to really make his 'daniel tiger party' come to life. that and matt's tiger costume from when he was little.  apparently, he would wear it all.the.time.
mclain seeing all his daniel tiger friends for the first time. my heart melted.

this IG video from when he saw 'trolley' for the first time. his sweet voice is the best.

thank you for all your love and birthday wishes for our favorite 2 year old. 

hugs and kisses~m, s, mc and a

March 2, 2014

mclain turns two...birthday breakfast

because i took a ridiculous amount of pictures, i'm breaking down mclain's birthday celebration. let's start with his birthday breakfast of champions...chocolate donut holes with sprinkles! 

when we celebrate mclain's birthday, we're also celebrating when matt and i went from being just husband and wife to being pops and tootie. and i can speak for both of us, this is the roll we were born for. it's the best job in the world and there is no one else we'd rather spend our days, nights, weekends, roadtrips, adventures, holidays and especially birthday celebrations than with our children. mclain made me a mama and i'm so thankful for these past two years, they've been the best two years i could ever ask for and so much more than i ever dreamed possible. 
--the royal treament. birthday kisses from pops and being carried from his bed to his birthday breakfast celebrations.--
-- love his pillow perm--messy hair, don't care--
 --buddy says, 'cheese!'--
--oh, hey buddy. where's your donut?--
--teasing pops with his donuts...he cracks himself up.--

mclain, we celebrate you, not only on march 1st but every day. because we are thankful for you

hugs and kisees~pops and tootie