December 4, 2013

legacy play village

we decided to take advantage of the warm december weather yesterday,
 with a trip to legacy play village--one of our favorite parks!
         ^^^he's getting so brave and aplin is patiently waiting her turn^^^
      ^^^one day soon, baby girl. one day soon^^^
^^^we had the park all to ourselves^^^
^^^dirt covered everything--west texas living^^^

hugs and kisses~m, s, mc, a, b, b, m, t, m, b, bc and m 


  1. I love love love this park!! I call it the castle park. =) You guys are lucky, when we went last week, it was packed!! Like every inch of that place was covered with kids from 0-18 years old. It was nuts. But, Wesley found that one slide and was content going down it over and over again.

    Also, I love your shoes in the one pic!! What brand are they?

    1. thanks! i got them last year from target--everything i own is from target :)
