October 29, 2012

explore lubbock

when we moved to back to lubbock, it became "home"....again. i was determined to experience all that lubbock has to offer. according to the "it's official" post, i already had an idea of things i wanted to enjoy and explore.
* rosa's-check, check, check
* the drive-in-check
* amazing sunsets-check
* a DQ that is in walking distance and OPEN-check
* date nights-check...but we need more of them :)
* science spectrum-check
* joyland-check
* the 'big boy' swing in marmee and grandad's backyard-check
* tailgating-check?

things that have not been checked-off:
* chances R
* 2 local wineries (there are actually FIVE! whoop-whoop!)
* cafe j's
9 out of 13 ain't bad.
after being here 4 months (4 months?!), i've added to our "explore lubbock list".

things we can check off:
* tech football game
* pumpkin trail
* weekly walking trips to target
* jalisco's
* market street, also known as 'heaven'
* library membership

things that have been added to our 'to-do' list:
* our very own tailgate
* finding a little place of our own to call 'home'.
* pictures with buddy holly
* camping/hiking palo duro canyon
* the depot district

so the next time anyone says, "there's nothing to do in lubbock!" "lubbock has nothing to offer!", you just send them our way and we'll show them a good time!

what did we leave off the list? what are your favorite lubbock hotspots?

hugs and kisses~m, s, mc, b, b, m, t, m, n, b, bc and t

p.s. i'm thinking of doing a lubbock "2013 life list"....so bring on your 806 recommendations.


  1. Oh Market Street, I weep for you often. Other things I miss about Lubbock: "Carrie, your buns are up!" with a side of ranch, breakfast at Apple Tree, Grand Central Station Antiques, and Shea's Grandma Ruby's cotton farm. :)

    1. carrie! i went to grand central station antiques this past week for the 1st time and it was ah-mazing!!! thanks so much for sharing!!! and i can't believe i forgot about buns over texas...why haven't we eaten there yet? it's right around the corner! that's definitely added to the to-do list :)

  2. Don't forget Prairie Dog Town!
