October 10, 2016

mommy/daughter date

while mclain and his pops were camping.  the girls and i had a great weekend filled with shopping, playgrounds and junk food. saturday night, penny got to spend time with her grandparents, while aplin and i had a mini mommy/daughter date of dinner and dessert. she was so excited to wear her elsa dress, wonder woman tiara and cinderella slippers heels. bun-bun (her bunny) even came along on our date. i am loving these sweet moments with my not-so-little girl.

pie five - silly selfies - super hero moves - frozen yogurt with ALL the toppings. 

what the picture doesn't show that i will post to my instagram...she used the 20 foot long booth as a trampoline. maybe next time our date will be more fitting of what a three year old likes....

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