such a great weekend! good times spent with friends and family, a win and a horse parade!
^^^he was a big fan of this grass^^^
^^^the cutest/smallest cowgirl you ever did see^^^
^^^how cute are they in their boots and wranglers and hats?^^^
^^^mc did not get the cowboy boots memo^^^
^^^waving 'hi' to the horses^^^
^^^guns up! the masked rider was the finale^^^
^^^but if you ask mc, the truck and trailer were the finale^^^
(we love game days in much energy....go tech!)
^^^aplin was not as impressed with the festivities^^^
happy monday!
hugs and kisses~m, s, mc, a, b, b, t, m, m, b, bc and m
Did someone mention...horses?? my sixth sense went off even before I clicked this link. that's one perk of being a horsegirl:) looks like so much fun!