December 30, 2015

Christmas Card 2015

getting christmas cards is one of my favorite things about the holidays. but this year, i was running behind and took our christmas card pictures on christmas eve. which at that point, was really just for me and not to be sent to others. i should probably download one of those cute seasonal to-do lists from pinterest to help me be more efficient with my time. this season can be so busy and a bit overwhelming. we did a lot of fun christmas activities this year, but not as much as i would have liked. i'm a to-do lister in my daily life, so why wouldn't i use a list to fit in as much christmas goodness as possible? did anyone get it all done before christmas? if so, teach me your ways.

here are a of my favorite pictures.

and i think this would have been the picture to make the cut.

now, i need to go browse pinterest in search of the perfect christmas to-do list....

merry belated christmas!

December 2, 2015

our thanksgiving

our favorite part about thanksgiving is spending time with our family. 
cooking, eating, cleaning, playing cards, seeing everyone's newest talent at the talent show and the kids LOVE being with all their cousins.

~ the leaves made for lots of entertainment ~

~ they do not discriminate, they will jump in the tiniest of puddles ~

 ~ older cousins are the coolest ~

~ i asked mclain what his favorite part of thanksgiving was and he said, "having fun!" ~

 ~ gibbs calls mclain, his buddy. we love you, gibzer ~

 ~ we make a great team. we were undefeated for thanksgiving 2015 ~

~ matt took over his dad's 'Crooked Mouth Mouse' story for the talent show this year ~

hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving!
we missed all our family we didn't get to see. we prayed for healing, for safe travels and we gave thanks that we get to have you as family.

big hugs and lots of love,

November 24, 2015

halloween fun 2015

trying to post our halloween fun before i've eaten all the turkey and the christmas tree is up. have the past couple of months flown by, or is it just me? seriously, september was last week...right?

we had a great halloween weekend, and i want to make sure i document it.
if not, it didn't really happen. ;)

our school puts on a very fun tricycle parade

a little video that shows her love for the Tricycle Parade

for halloween eve our school had a trunk or treat. mclain and aplin are still talking about the bounce houses and cow train.

on halloween: 
matt got back in town 30 minutes before we left for another trunk or treat with friends


we managed to drag-out halloween for THREE days...i'm still exhausted just thinking about it. :)

hope y'all have a wonderful thanksgiving!

"dobble, dobble" as aplin says :)

November 20, 2015

corn maize field trip

these are the moments i want to remember forever. 
i work at the kids' school, so when mclain's class went on their field trip to the corn maize, my work was gracious enough to let me join in on the fun. i had the best time hanging with my little man.

LOVING this season of life!

happy friday~s.