we made a quick trip to dallas this past weekend--these trips are never long enough. we never get to spend enough time with the people we see and we only have enough time to see a handful of people. i'm ready to go back and spend a week there!
he's still a fan of the page's pool
i always have these grandiose plans of capturing all the details of our trip/life on camera, but i always seem to fail.
moments i wish i could have captured:
the ridiculous number of tumble weeds and dust devils that joined us on our drive
t pushing mc in the swing
baby jax's blue eyes and sweet smile
the perfect little touches to baby bowen wright's nursery
taco pizza--yep, as good as it sounds! picasso's people!
the giant stuffed giraffe that mclain fell in love with
a baby bump pic of baby girl and baby bowen wright
how lush and green dallas is--i'm talking tropical rain forest compared to lubbock
t pushing mc in the swing
baby jax's blue eyes and sweet smile
the perfect little touches to baby bowen wright's nursery
taco pizza--yep, as good as it sounds! picasso's people!
the giant stuffed giraffe that mclain fell in love with
a baby bump pic of baby girl and baby bowen wright
how lush and green dallas is--i'm talking tropical rain forest compared to lubbock
happy monday y'all! hope it's a great week!
hugs and kisses~m, s, mc, bg, m, b, b, t, b, m, bc and t
p.s. what are your secrets to not forgetting to grab your camera and capturing it all? since all my pics are taken with my phone, do i need a phone strap? like most people have a strap for their cameras. i'd wear my phone around my neck if that would help.