January 22, 2013

Liebster Award...or Nomination

my friend and former co-worker (who is a rockstar math teacher and mentor), Kim @ Team Howard nominated me for the Liebster Award.
I'm a huge fan of any award, ribbon or trophy, even to just be nominated!
Here are the rules:
  1. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the nominator(s) asked.
  3. You (the nominee) come up with 11 new nominees (no tag backs) and 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  4. Nominees should have less than 200 followers and should link back to you on their Liebster blog post.
  5. Lastly, be sure to actually let the nominees know they've been nominated. Duh.
{one} 11 Random Facts about me:
  1. my whistle sounds like a bird.
  2. my eyes are 2 different colors.
  3. i hate buying "brand new" books and wish lubbock had a half-price books. that place is dreamy.
  4. i don't do favorites, i.e. color, ice cream, tv show. BUT matt's pizza is my absolute FAVORITE meal.
  5. when matt and i first met he was about to leave for a ski-trip. i asked,  "do you ski or snowboard?" he said, "snowboard. you?" i said, "snowboard." he said, "are you any good?" i said, "have you heard of the x-games?". he seemed impressed. i like to think that conversation sealed our fate. (btw: i'm terrible. i only go down greens and even then it takes forever.)
  6. i'm a homebody.
  7. we have 4 dogs, 3 cats and 2 turtles. matt and i have disagreed on one dog's name since we got her, but she answers to both. also, 2 cats are up for adoption if you are interested :)

  8. i'm a beauty school drop-out.
  9. i hate scary movies. i don't understand the appeal.
  10. i use to be platinum and sometime wish i still was.

  11. i never read a book cover to cover until college. i hate that i missed out on all the classics. tom sawyer, nancy drew, babysitters club, chronicles of narnina and so many others. i can't wait to read them with mclain and his brothers and sisters :) 
{two} Kim's Questions:
     1. If you had to describe your style, what would you call it?

     2. What type of workout do you prefer, cardio or strength training?
           does a stroll around the block count as cardio?

     3.  What's your earliest childhood memory?
            when i realized that my older half-brother had a different mom than me.

     4.  Why did you begin blogging?
             so our family and friends (that are not on fb) could watch mclain grow.

     5.  Would you rather watch a movie at the theater or at home on DVD?
             in an empty theater with a giant tub of popcorn that will inevitably make me sick. everytime.

     6.  Which birthday has been the best so far?
             mclain's birth day...hands down.

    7.  What's your pet peeve?
            lack of compassion.

    8.  Is there a language you'd like to learn? If so, what language and why?
           french, so if i ever get my carrie bradshaw moment, i'll be ready.

    9.  What's your favorite thing to have for dessert?
           wedding cake. or any cake for that matter.

   10.  What's the last book you read? Or what are you reading now?
            where we belong by emily giffin. it was the last book i read as well as the current book.
            (i have a tendency to re-read books).

   11.  Are you an early bird or a night owl?
            early bird. but mclain and i tend to disagree on how early is too-early.

{three} i nominate:
(7 is the new 11)
my sweet aunt kelly kat @ kelly with coffee : krystle @ the shepherd family :
your eleven questions:
  1. if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
  2. if the president of the united states was coming to your house for dinner, what would you serve?
  3. what did you want to be when you were little?
  4. if you could give your 14 year old self advice, what would it be?
  5. what has been your biggest fashion faux pas?
  6. top 3 favorite books?
  7. what is your idea of a perfect date?
  8. if you could spend the day with anyone (famous, not famous, dead or alive) who would it be?
  9. if you won the lottery, what's the 1st significant purchase you'd make?
  10. your favorite dessert recipe (with either the link or the recipe typed up)?
  11. if you had the entire day to yourself, how would you spend it?
to my lovely nominees, this award is time consuming so i completely understand if you decide not to participate. even though, i would love to hear your random facts and answers :)
thanks again for nominating me kim! now, should i go back and answer these questions for matt and mclain?

hugs and kisses~s.

January 21, 2013

mama's little helper

so thankful for our little man and the little helper that he is.
as i'm putting all his clothes on hangers and temporarily hanging them on his crib, he thinks he will lend a hand and proceed to de-clutter his crib. he's the cutest. he's the best. he's for sure, a keeper.

hugs and kisses~m, s, mc, b, b, t, m, n, m, b, bc and t

January 8, 2013

stuck in a rut

matt and i have gotten so boring when it comes to eating out...
we are constantly using rosa's and pizza hut/domino's at a crutch.
there are so many good restaurants in lubbock that we need to try or re-visit.
don't get me wrong, i LOVE rosa's and a thin-crust cheese from domino's, but it's always a last minute, we have nothing to eat, we are starving, let's just grab whatever is fast and easy, kind of meal.
i am not a big fan of take-out or delivery. i much prefer to dine-in and experience all that a place has to offer.
matt keeps telling me we need to make a list of places we need to try. so this is me, making a list:
(in no particular order)
cast iron grill
rain uptown
manna bread and wine
la diosa
triple j's chophouse
the vine
one guy from italy
west crust
caprock cafe
tom and bingo's bbq
bigham's bbq
buns over texas (thanks carrie)
cafe j
las brisas
blue sky
pancake house
apple tree cafe and bakery (thanks again carrie)
chuy's (during spring break, christmas break or any other break when it's not the unofficial fraternity/sorority house)
thai pepper
ranch house
abuelo's taqueria
hub city wings

sheridan's frozen custard
the choc'late mousse pie bar (also open for brunch on the weekends)
holly hop ice cream shoppe
bahama bucks

*lubbock has a lot of burger joints, bbq pits and donut shops.  i'm on the hunt to find my fave in each category.

what are some of your favorites?
hugs and kisses~m, s, mc, b, b, t, m, m, n, b, bc and t

January 1, 2013

10 months

his 10 month milestone: pulling himself up in his crib
new foods: lasagna and blueberry muffins
he has 3 teeth. he is currently fighting the top left...show yourself, top left tooth!
had to say goodbye to his 3c shoes
some of his current loves:
his pops
opening and closing any door
turning the pages of any book
rolling balls on the floor and chasing after them
the waterspout in the bathtub
his new year's resolution: converting from bottle to cup...baby steps, people.

hugs and kisses~m, s, mc, b, b, t, m, m, b, n, t and bc